Full List of Compostable Foods and Drink

Composting is a great way to get rid of trash and make soil for your yard that is full of nutrients. Here is a full list of foods and drinks that can be put in a garbage pile:

Foods that can be put in the compost:

1. Peels, cores, seeds, etc. from fruits and vegetables.
2. Coffee ground and filters
3. Tea cups that don’t have any staples
3. Eggshells
4. Nutshells (except walnut shells, which have a natural poison that stops plants from growing)
5. Bread, cookies, and cereal that has gone bad
6. Rice and pasta, whether they are cooked or not.
7. Grains (like quinoa, barley, and oats)
8. Nuts and seeds that haven’t been salted or spiced.
9. Juiced vegetable and fruit pulp
10. Food that has gone bad or grown mold
11. Salad leaves and trimmings
12. Tofu and other soy goods that have gone bad
13. Old spices and herbs
14. Old chips and popcorn that doesn’t have a bag.
15. Pizza dough and other types of bread
16. Kelp and seaweed
17. Crushed eggshells

Drinks that can be turned into compost:

1. Coffee
2. Tea bags that don’t have any staples
3. Milk that doesn’t come from cows, such as almond, soy, oat, coconut, etc.
4. Juice made from fruits and vegetables (no extra sugars)
5. Wine and beer (but not too much)
6. The extra nut milk pulp from making nut milk at home.
7. Water (a little won’t hurt the compost).

Make sure to fill your compost bin with a mix of “green” (nitrogen-rich) and “brown” (carbon-rich) materials like fruit and vegetable scraps and leaves, straw, and cardboard. This will make the best environment for composting. Also, don’t put anything in your compost pile that is harmful, not organic, or could bring diseases or bugs.